Start Living Healthy is the Hawaii
Department of Health’s (DOH) statewide
health promotion brand. Our multimedia
educational campaigns, with partnerships
in both the private and public sectors, are
designed to provide the people of Hawaii
with easy-to-understand information
on healthy living.

Start Living Healthy is the Hawaii
Department of Health’s (DOH) statewide
health promotion brand. Our multimedia
educational campaigns, with partnerships
in both the private and public sectors, are
designed to provide the people of Hawaii
with easy-to-understand information
on healthy living.

Start Living Healthy is the Hawaii
Department of Health’s (DOH) statewide
health promotion brand. Our multimedia
educational campaigns, with partnerships
in both the private and public sectors, are
designed to provide the people of Hawaii
with easy-to-understand information
on healthy living.

About Us

The Hawaii Department of Health’s Healthy Hawaii Initiative (HHI) has been supporting healthy lifestyles by implementing policies and programs to create sustainable changes in Hawaii’s communities, schools and workplaces. Launched in 2000, HHI is a statewide effort focused on reducing three core behaviors that contribute to chronic disease: smoking, inactivity and poor diet. HHI has made significant strides in helping Hawaii’s residents lead healthy lives and has been recognized for its success as a comprehensive public sector prevention program. HHI has expanded its efforts to also include chronic disease management programs and is now known as the Department of Health’s Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division (CDPHPD). For more information on CDPHPD programs, please visit


Our structure is based on the social-ecological model to affect behavior change at multiple levels of society (individual, interpersonal, organizational, community and societal).

We work to improve the lives of Hawaii residents across all sectors:

  • Schools;
  • Communites;
  • Health Care Systems


  • Check Your Pressure
    Educates Hawaii residents about how to take and monitor their blood pressure.
  • Prevent Diabetes, Hawaii
    Encourages adults to take a Diabetes Risk Test, to find out whether or not they are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Choose Healthy Now
    Increases consumer choice by expanding access to healthy snack and drink options in participating retail locations throughout the state.
  • Rethink Your Drink
    Inspires Hawaii teens to choose water and other healthier beverages instead of sugary drinks.

Earlier campaigns:

  • You Gotta Start Somewhere
    Focused on taking small, achievable steps towards healthier lifestyles.
  • 1% or Less is Best
    Encouraged Hawaii’s residents to reduce their fat intake by switching from drinking whole and 2% milk to 1% and skim milk.