Besides checking your blood pressure regularly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent high blood pressure.

Eating a healthy diet that is low in saturated fat can help keep your blood pressure in-check.

  • Look for snacks and drinks labeled Choose Healthy Now in participating retail locations throughout Hawaii! These items meet Department of Health nutrition standards, so you know they’re good for you. Click here to find a participating retail location near you.
  • Download the Choose Healthy Now @ Home Recipebook to make healthy meals at home with your family! These recipes are approved by the Department of Health, so you can feel good about the meals you eat at home.

Exercising also helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure and keep you healthy for longer.

  • Follow current physical activity recommendations to make sure you’re getting enough exercise.
  • Start walking … it’s easy and free! Walking in your neighborhood is a great way to burn calories and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Start biking or hiking … Hawaii has many places to bike and hike safely. Click here for a list of resources in your area!

Quitting smoking can make a big difference when it comes to your blood pressure.

  • Get free help to kick the habit, for good this time! Call, text, or email the Hawaii Tobacco QuitLine today. Regardless of your age, they’ll help you stop using tobacco products – including e-cigarettes – once and for all.

Preventing diabetes can help reduce your risk for high blood pressure.

  • Take the Diabetes Risk Test today to learn how you can prevent type 2 diabetes. 1 in 2 Hawaii residents have diabetes or prediabetes, and some don’t even know it.