Thank you for your interest in the Beat Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). Joining a DPP is an investment in a healthy future.

What is a DPP? It’s a year-long, lifestyle change program for people with prediabetes that is:

  • Proven to lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  • Delivered in-person, online, or sometimes as a combination of in-person and online meetings

Why is it a year-long program?

  • In the first six months, you will:
    • Meet weekly with your lifestyle coach and other program participants;
    • Learn and put into practice healthy eating and physical activity skills; and
    • Work towards a goal of 5-7% body weight loss.
  • In the second six months, you will:
    • Meet once per month with your lifestyle coach and other program participants; and
    • Acquire knowledge and skills needed to maintain weight loss.

To be eligible for DPP, you cannot be diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes or be currently pregnant.

To get started, please complete the form below. The information you share will be used to find a program that fits your needs. Although some questions are optional, more information will allow us to better connect you with potential providers.

You will receive a call or e-mail from a program in your area within a few weeks to determine program eligibility and to complete the enrollment process.

Read Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the DPP program here.


    Refer me to in-person

    Refer me to distance learning

    Refer me to both types of programs

    O‘ahu (Honolulu)

    O‘ahu (Windward)

    O‘ahu (Central)

    O‘ahu (Leeward)

    O‘ahu (North Shore)

    Hawai‘i Island (Hilo)

    Hawai‘i Island (Kona)





    Word-of-mouth from family or friends

    TV ad

    Radio ad

    Mall ad or other print media

    Online or social media

    Referred by my healthcare provider


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