Wellness Resources for Employees
Wellness Resources for Employers

Why Start Living Healthy @ Work?

On average, we spend more than one-third of our weekdays at the workplace. That’s a lot of time! For many of us, this can mean hours of sitting at a desk, reduced sleep, and let’s face it: added stress. Luckily there are small changes that both employers and employees can do to create a more positive work environment that better supports employee health.

The Start Living Healthy @ Work worksite wellness program provides you with information and opportunities to help you make healthier choices in the workplace. Worksite wellness programs are proven to help build a culture of health in the workplace, increase productivity, and improve overall job satisfaction.

Start Living Healthy @ Work offers tools and resources that can be easily implemented by employers and employees in any worksite, either individually or as part of a comprehensive worksite wellness program.

Wellness Resources for Employees

Wellness Resources for Employers